Recent Projects & Researches


Basic Golang

Golang 基础概念,以及日常开发所总结的使用经验
Basic Golang

Algorithm Introduction

借助 MIT 6.046J 课程,精读《算法导论》,并给出课程作业示例代码
Algorithm Introduction

Digtal Circuit & Computer Architecture

通过理解数字电路基础,配合 Verilog HDL 的学习,进而理解计算机架构
Digtal Circuit & Computer Architecture

Linux Open Source Network

分析 Linux 开源网络生态,并就一些具体层次的开源项目进行分析

Machine Learning and Feterated Learning

Machine Learning and Feterated Learning

Research on Privacy Computing

Research on Privacy Computing

Research on Distributed Systems

Research on Distributed Systems

Multi-mode Intelligent Sensing Terminal Autonomous Collaboration Technology

National key projects. Advisor - Professor Shizhong Xu
Multi-mode Intelligent Sensing Terminal Autonomous Collaboration Technology